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Week 8 Schedule


“The Podestá Brothers’ Circus” in National Rhythms, African Roots [51-70]

Google Ngram

  1. Use keywords related to Tango (Milonga, Gardel, Piazzola, etc.) or any terms from Chasteen’s chapter.
  2. Experiment with changing your date range and the language of the “corpus.”

Sara Zhang, “The Pitfalls of Using Google Ngram to Study Language” 


Ngram Blog Post (300 words) 


Robert Farris Thompson, “The Cultural Preparation” in Tango: The Art History of Love (New York: Knopf Doubleday, 2010) [CR 48-111]

Omeka Websites

  1. Transatlantic Encounters: Latin American Artists in Paris between the Wars 
  2. Smith College Libraries
  3. History Corps at the University of Iowa
  4. The History Harvest at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln
  5. Digital Initiatives, University of Massachusetts Lowell Libraries
  6. Homer Shantz Collection, University of Arizona
  7. Digital Amherst, The Jones Library


  1. Revised blog post
  2. Jot down some notes about what you found useful and less useful from these webpages. Note, what links don’t work? What kinds of collections do people create? 
  3. Bring to class a one paragraph proposal for an Omeka exhibit that relates to the class topic. This proposal can be informal, but should include some ideas for specific materials you would like to feature.